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796128 MATERIALS Effect of ‘Q’ Ratio on Texture Evolution of Ti-3Al-2.5V Alloy Tube during Rolling 2022-01-21 10.3390/ma15030817 Yang Qi, Hui Songxiao, Ye Wenjun, Xu Zhe, Dai Chun, Lin Yuan
796127 MATERIALS Influence of Bond Characterization on Load-Mean Strain and Tension Stiffening Behavior of Concrete Elements Reinforced with Embedded FRP Reinforcement 2022-01-21 10.3390/ma15030799 Baena Marta, Barris Cristina, Perera Ricardo, Torres Lluís
796126 MATERIALS An Accessible Integrated Nanoparticle in a Metallic Hole Structure for Efficient Plasmonic Applications 2022-01-21 10.3390/ma15030792 Devaraj Vasanthan, Choi Jong-Wan, Lee Jong-Min, Oh Jin-Woo
796125 MATERIALS Innovative Structural Fuse Systems for Various Prototype Applications 2022-01-21 10.3390/ma15030805 Farzampour Alireza
796124 MATERIALS Development of New Experimental Dental Enamel Resin Infiltrants—Synthesis and Characterization 2022-01-21 10.3390/ma15030803 Prodan Doina, Moldovan Marioara, Chisnoiu Andrea Maria, Saroși Codruța, Cuc Stanca, Filip Miuța, Gheorghe Georgiana Florentina, Chisnoiu Radu Marcel, Furtos Gabriel, Cojocaru Ileana, Delean Ada Gabriela, Cimpean Sanda Ileana
796123 MATERIALS The Effect of Temperature, Rest Periods and Ageing on the Response of Bituminous Materials in Fatigue Tests: Considerations and Proposals on Analytical Dimensioning Models 2022-01-21 10.3390/ma15030790 Pérez-Jiménez Félix E., Miró Rodrigo, Botella Ramón, López-Montero Teresa, Martínez Adriana H.
796122 MATERIALS Sorption Studies of Tetracycline Antibiotics on Hydroxyapatite (001) Surface—A First-Principles Insight 2022-01-21 10.3390/ma15030797 Song Jiaming, Cui Naiyu, Mao Xuran, Huang Qixuan, Lee Eui-Seok, Jiang Hengbo
796121 MATERIALS Impact of APRF+ in Combination with Autogenous Fibroblasts on Release Growth Factors, Collagen, and Proliferation and Migration of Gingival Fibroblasts: An In Vitro Study 2022-01-21 10.3390/ma15030796 Sterczała Barbara, Chwiłkowska Agnieszka, Szwedowicz Urszula, Kobielarz Magdalena, Chwiłkowski Bartłomiej, Dominiak Marzena
796120 MATERIALS Investigation of the Effect of Temperature on the Wear Rate and Airborne Noise in Sliding Wear 2022-01-21 10.3390/ma15030812 Lontin Kevin, Khan Muhammad, Alharbi Bander
796119 MATERIALS Prediction of Behaviour of Thin-Walled DED-Processed Structure: Experimental-Numerical Approach 2022-01-21 10.3390/ma15030806 Urbánek Miroslav, Hodek Josef, Melzer Daniel, Koukolíková Martina, Prantl Antonín, Vavřík Jaroslav, Brázda Michal, Martínek Petr, Rzepa Sylwia, Džugan Jan