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796198 NANOMATERIALS Pinning and Anharmonic Phonon Effect of Quasi-Free-Standing Bilayer Epitaxial Graphene on SiC 2022-01-21 10.3390/nano12030346 Sun Li, Wang Peng, Xie Xuejian, Chen Xiufang, Yu Fapeng, Li Yanlu, Xu Xiangang, Zhao Xian
796197 NANOMATERIALS Novel Nano-Engineered Biomaterials for Bone Tissue Engineering 2022-01-21 10.3390/nano12030333 Gulati Karan, Abdal-hay Abdalla, Ivanovski Sašo
796196 NANOMATERIALS Ferrimagnetic Large Single Domain Iron Oxide Nanoparticles for Hyperthermia Applications 2022-01-21 10.3390/nano12030343 Zahn Diana, Landers Joachim, Buchwald Juliana, Diegel Marco, Salamon Soma, Müller Robert, Köhler Moritz, Ecke Gernot, Wende Heiko, Dutz Silvio
796195 NANOMATERIALS Highly Efficient Photothermal Reduction of CO2 on Pd2Cu Dispersed TiO2 Photocatalyst and Operando DRIFT Spectroscopic Analysis of Reactive Intermediates 2022-01-21 10.3390/nano12030332 Elavarasan Munirathinam, Yang Willie, Velmurugan Sethupathi, Chen Jyy-Ning, Yang Thomas C.-K., Yokoi Toshiyuki
796194 PHARMACEUTICALS Combined Administration of (R)-Ketamine and the mGlu2/3 Receptor Antagonist LY341495 Induces Rapid and Sustained Effects in the CUMS Model of Depression via a TrkB/BDNF-Dependent Mechanism 2022-01-21 10.3390/ph15020125 Rafało-Ulińska Anna, Brański Piotr, Pałucha-Poniewiera Agnieszka
796193 PHARMACEUTICALS Response Predictive Markers and Synergistic Agents for Drug Repositioning of Statins in Ovarian Cancer 2022-01-21 10.3390/ph15020124 Kobayashi Yusuke, Takeda Takashi, Kunitomi Haruko, Chiwaki Fumiko, Komatsu Masayuki, Nagai Shimpei, Nogami Yuya, Tsuji Kosuke, Masuda Kenta, Ogiwara Hideaki, Sasaki Hiroki, Banno Kouji, Aoki Daisuke
796192 PHARMACEUTICALS Discovery, Development, Inventions and Patent Review of Fexinidazole: The First All-Oral Therapy for Human African Trypanosomiasis 2022-01-21 10.3390/ph15020128 Imran Mohd, Khan Shah Alam, Alshammari Mohammed Kanan, Alqahtani Ashwaq Muiedh, Alanazi Turkiah Abdullah, Kamal Mehnaz, Jawaid Talha, Ghoneim Mohammed M., Alshehri Sultan, Shakeel Faiyaz
796191 PHARMACEUTICALS Development and Validation of Open-Source R Package HMCtdm for Therapeutic Drug Monitoring 2022-01-21 10.3390/ph15020127 Lee Sooyoung, Song Moonsik, Lim Woojae, Song Eunjung, Han Jongdae, Kim Bo-Hyung
796190 PHARMACEUTICALS Enhancing the Bioavailability and Efficacy of Vismodegib for the Control of Skin Cancer: In Vitro and In Vivo Studies 2022-01-21 10.3390/ph15020126 Salem Heba F., Gamal Amr, Saeed Haitham, Kamal Marwa, Tulbah Alaa S.
796189 CANCERS Landscape of Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Heterodimers in Brain Metastases 2022-01-21 10.3390/cancers14030533 Lim Malcolm, Nguyen Tam H., Niland Colleen, Reid Lynne E., Jat Parmjit S., Saunus Jodi M., Lakhani Sunil R.