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796828 MATERIALS Fragmentation of Beaded Fibres in a Composite 2022-01-24 10.3390/ma15030890 Rodricks Carol Winnifred, Greenfeld Israel, Fiedler Bodo, Wagner Hanoch Daniel
796827 MATERIALS Exploration of the Magnetic Flux Density on the Surface of Seamless Knitted Fabrics Manufactured with Magnetic Polypropylene Fibers 2022-01-24 10.3390/ma15030880 Xiang Yimin, Su Miao, Jin Zimin, Chen Kunying, Tao Jianwei, Shi Zhansong
796826 MATERIALS Corn Cob Ash versus Sunflower Stalk Ash, Two Sustainable Raw Materials in an Analysis of Their Effects on the Concrete Properties 2022-01-24 10.3390/ma15030868 Șerbănoiu Adrian Alexandru, Grădinaru Cătălina Mihaela, Muntean Radu, Cimpoeșu Nicanor, Șerbănoiu Bogdan Vasile
796825 MATERIALS State of the Art in Gold Nanoparticle Synthesisation via Pulsed Laser Ablation in Liquid and Its Characterisation for Molecular Imaging: A Review 2022-01-24 10.3390/ma15030875 Mat Isa Siti Zaleha, Zainon Rafidah, Tamal Mahbubunnabi
796824 MATERIALS Setting Time, Microstructure, and Durability Properties of Low Calcium Fly Ash/Slag Geopolymer: A Review 2022-01-24 10.3390/ma15030876 Aldawsari Salem, Kampmann Raphael, Harnisch Jörg, Rohde Catharina
796823 MATERIALS Experimental Study on Strength Enhancement of Expansive Grout 2022-01-24 10.3390/ma15030885 Wang Di, Ye Yicheng, Yao Nan, Liu Yiming, Deng Xingmin
796822 MATERIALS Effect of Surface Texture on the Structural Adhesive Joining Properties of Aluminum 7075 and TEPEX® 2022-01-24 10.3390/ma15030887 Pereira Alejandro, Fenollera María, Prado Teresa, Wieczorowski Michal
796821 MATERIALS Structure and Electrical Behavior of Hafnium-Praseodymium Oxide Thin Films Grown by Atomic Layer Deposition 2022-01-24 10.3390/ma15030877 Kukli Kaupo, Aarik Lauri, Vinuesa Guillermo, Dueñas Salvador, Castán Helena, García Héctor, Kasikov Aarne, Ritslaid Peeter, Piirsoo Helle-Mai, Aarik Jaan
796820 MATERIALS Natural Cellulosic Fiber Reinforced Concrete: Influence of Fiber Type and Loading Percentage on Mechanical and Water Absorption Performance 2022-01-24 10.3390/ma15030874 Jamshaid Hafsa, Mishra Rajesh Kumar, Raza Ali, Hussain Uzair, Rahman Md. Lutfor, Nazari Shabnam, Chandan Vijay, Muller Miroslav, Choteborsky Rostislav
796819 MATERIALS Prediction of Selected Mechanical Properties of Polymer Composites with Alumina Modifiers 2022-01-24 10.3390/ma15030882 Kosicka Ewelina, Krzyzak Aneta, Dorobek Mateusz, Borowiec Marek