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No Journal_name Subject Date DOI Author
797268 MBIO Assessment of Plasmodium falciparum Artemisinin Resistance Independent of kelch13 Polymorphisms and with Escalating Malaria in Bangladesh 2022-01-25 10.1128/mbio.03444-21 Nima Maisha Khair, Mukherjee Angana, Sazed Saiful Arefeen, Hossainey Muhammad Riadul Haque, Phru Ching Swe, Johora Fatema Tuj, Safeukui Innocent, Saha Anjan, Khan Afsana Alamgir, Marma Aung Swi Prue, Ware Russell E., Mohandas Narla, Calhoun Barbara, Haque Rashidul, Khan Wasif Ali, Alam Mohammad Shafiul, Haldar Kasturi
797267 MBIO T-Cell Immunoglobulin and Mucin Domain 1 (TIM-1) Is a Functional Entry Factor for Tick-Borne Encephalitis Virus 2022-01-25 10.1128/mbio.02860-21 Zhang Xiaowei, Liang Cuiqin, Wang Hanzhong, Guo Zhengyuan, Rong Heng, Pan Jingdi, Li Wei, Pei Rongjuan, Chen Xinwen, Zhang Zhiping, Zhang Xian-En, Cui Zongqiang
797266 MBIO Engineering T-Cell Resistance to HIV-1 Infection via Knock-In of Peptides from the Heptad Repeat 2 Domain of gp41 2022-01-25 10.1128/mbio.03589-21 Maslennikova Alexandra, Kruglova Natalia, Kalinichenko Svetlana, Komkov Dmitriy, Shepelev Mikhail, Golubev Dmitriy, Siniavin Andrei, Vzorov Andrei, Filatov Alexander, Mazurov Dmitriy
797265 MBIO Great Expectations of COVID-19 Herd Immunity 2022-01-25 10.1128/mbio.03495-21 Giurgea Luca T., Morens David M.
797264 MBIO Identification of Key Determinants of Cerebral Malaria Development and Inhibition Pathways 2022-01-25 10.1128/mbio.03708-21 Cha Sung-Jae, Yu Xiang, Gregory Brian D., Lee Yong Seok, Ishino Tomoko, Opoka Robert O., John Chandy C., Jacobs-Lorena Marcelo
797263 MBIO Hamsters Expressing Human Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme 2 Develop Severe Disease following Exposure to SARS-CoV-2 2022-01-25 10.1128/mbio.02906-21 Golden Joseph W., Li Rong, Cline Curtis R., Zeng Xiankun, Mucker Eric M., Fuentes-Lao Amadeo J., Spik Kristin W., Williams Janice A., Twenhafel Nancy, Davis Neil, Moore Joshua L., Stevens Stephen, Blue Eugene, Garrison Aura R., Larson Deanna D., Stewart Rebekah, Kunzler Madelyn, Liu Yanan, Wang Zhongde, Hooper Jay W.
797262 MBIO Functional Irreplaceability of Escherichia coli and Shewanella oneidensis OxyRs Is Critically Determined by Intrinsic Differences in Oligomerization 2022-01-25 10.1128/mbio.03497-21 Sun Weining, Fan Yanlin, Wan Fen, Tao Yizhi J., Gao Haichun
797261 MBIO Fine-Scale Adaptations to Environmental Variation and Growth Strategies Drive Phyllosphere Methylobacterium Diversity 2022-01-25 10.1128/mbio.03175-21 Leducq Jean-Baptiste, Seyer-Lamontagne Émilie, Condrain-Morel Domitille, Bourret Geneviève, Sneddon David, Foster James A., Marx Christopher J., Sullivan Jack M., Shapiro B. Jesse, Kembel Steven W.
797260 MBIO Global Regulatory Pathways Converge To Control Expression of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Type IV Pili 2022-01-25 10.1128/mbio.03696-21 Coggan Kimberly A., Higgs Matthew G., Brutinel Evan D., Marden Jeremiah N., Intile Peter J., Winther-Larsen Hanne C., Koomey Michael J., Yahr Timothy L., Wolfgang Matthew C.
797259 MBIO Mitochondria and Viral Infection: Advances and Emerging Battlefronts 2022-01-25 10.1128/mbio.02096-21 Sorouri Mahsa, Chang Tyron, Hancks Dustin C.