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(03 Aug. 04) As of 30 July, RCARO closed the vacancy notice of an RCARO staff (Assistant to the Programme Officer). A significant number of local application...
(26 July 04) Representatives from RCARO (Mr. John K Chung, Programme Officer; Mr. Dae-Ki Kim, Administration Officer) participated in the Meeting of RCA Them...
(8 July 04) Two RCARO invited staff from Member States, Ms. Ros Intan Purbasari of BATAN-Indonesia and Mr. HGP Karunaratne of AEA-Sri Lanka, visited the Youn...
(5 Jul 04) RCARO made a briefing on RCA programme at the local ANENT (Asia Networkfor Education in Nuclear Technology) Advisory Committee held at Korea...
(5 Jul 04) RCARO made a briefing on RCA activities to the participants in a training workshop ofETRI (Electronics and Telecommunications Research Insti...
(25 Jun 04) The 11th RCARO Steering Committee meeting was held in Daejeon, this time at KINS, on 25 June 2004. The Committee's function is to give advice and...