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(1 Nov. 06) Ms. Bae, Yumi began her work as a new RCARO Assisting Information Manager/Web-master beginning from 1 November 2006 for a period of 4 months.
(1 Nov. 06) Mr. Kun-Mo Choi, Director, RCARO presented a certificate to Ms. Champa Dissayanake, an invited fellow from the Atomic Energy Authority (AEA) of...
(25 Oct. 06) RCARO staff members enjoyed one day off on 25 October 2006 for autumn refreshment by visiting cultural and industrial places nearby Daejeon. R...
(23 Oct. 06) RCARO made a presentation on IAEA/RCA and RCARO programmes to the participants at IAEA/KOICA Joint Training Course on Nuclear Power Policy, Pl...
(29 Sep. 06) On the occasion of the grand opening of KAERI's Advanced Radiation Technology Institute on 29 September 2006, Mr. Kun-Mo Choi, Director of RCA...
(26 Sep. 06) Mr Kun-Mo Choi, Dir. RCARO, arranged a get-together event between RCARO staffs and RCA-KAIST students currently undertaking master's degree co...