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IAEA/RCA Regional Training Course on Application of Isotope and Geochemical Techniques to Surface Water 16 -27 June 2008, Daejeon, Republic of Korea






IAEA/RCA Regional Training Course (RTC) on “Application of Isotope and Geochemical Techniques to Surface Water-Ground Water Interactions and Contaminant Transport” was inaugurated on 16 June 2008 at the Nuclear Training and Education Centre of Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute with a plan for two weeks of course.

With the increasing importance of water management issues around the world, as implied the UN MDGs, the contribution of isotope hydrology to the regional management of water resources through relevant RCA project is obvious in view of the water stress present in many RCA Member States.

The RTC is attended by 20 participants from 11 RCA Member States (BGL, CPR, IND, INS, MAL, MYA, PAK, PHI, ROK, THA, VIE), coming from such diverse affiliations as water authorities, nuclear authorities, science and technology agencies, professional groups, etc.

The RTC provides lectures on the application of isotope hydrology to management of surface and ground water, with some sessions on simulation exercises and case studies of relevant Member States (see the RTC Programme attached herewith). The lecturers are from IAEA, AUL and ROK. RCARO handed out RCA brochure and the leaflet on success story (“Isotope hydrology helps to find water fit to drink”) to the participants. As usual, the RCARO Director gave a congratulatory remark at the opening, followed an introduction to the RCA and RCARO by the Programme Officer.

