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Introductory Workshop on In-Situ Radiation Detection Demonstration and Basic Gamma Spectrometry Technique for Enhancing Emergency Preparedness and Response Capabilities






Introductory Workshop on In-Situ Radiation Detection Demonstration and Basic Gamma Spectrometry Technique for

Enhancing Emergency Preparedness and Response Capabilities, February 20-21, 2024, Virtual 


The Introductory Workshop on In-Situ Radiation Detection Demonstration and Basic Gamma Spectrometry Technique for Enhancing Emergency Preparedness and Response Capabilities, was held virtually from February 20th to 21st, 2024. During the opening ceremony, Mr KIM Dae Ki, Director of RCA Regional Office, and Mr Phonesavanh Lathdavong, National RCA Representative of Laos, delivered opening and welcoming remarks. 


This event marked a significant step forward in fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange among stakeholders in the region. With over fifty (50) participants in attendance, including representatives from the RCA Regional Office, Project Lead Country Coordinators, experts, and stakeholders from nine (9) ASEAN countries and Korea, the workshop served as a platform for robust discussions and insights.


The engaging sessions on the first day (February 20th) delved into critical topics such as in-situ gamma-ray measurement for dose and radioactivity assessment, along with fundamental concepts in radiation physics. These insightful talks were delivered by experts from the Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science (KRISS) and the Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety (KINS). On the second day (February 21st), participants had the opportunity to deepen their understanding with the third and final lecture, which focused on the basic gamma spectrometry technique, presented by the National Environment Agency of Singapore.

