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Establishment of the RCA Regional Office






In the Beginning


First mentioned in 1978
- At RCA Meeting in Vienna, MSs suggested need to have an RCA Office in the Region

However, it was mentioned the level of RCA Programmes was too small to warrant such an Office

RCA Vision Stated


At 1997 Yangon Meeting it was recommended to establish RCA Regional Office to enhance RCA ownership by MSs.

This was stated in the RCA-25 Vision with other Initiatives (LC, RRU...)

Korea's Offer


At 2000 RCA Mumbai Meeting, Korea offered to be Host of RCA Regional Office when established in Korea. MSs welcomed the offer

29th RCA GC requested a small Group to prepare Proposal (Australia, Korea, Pakistan, RCA Coordinator). Inter-Agency Review also began.

Supported at Dhaka Meeting


2001 Dhaka Meeting supported Establishment of the RCA Regional Office in Korea

The Meeting requested Task Force Group to draft Working Paper (Australia and Korea take Lead)

Agreed at RCA 30th GC


RCA 30th GC in 2001 in Vienna agreed in Principle the Establishment of RCA Regional Office in Korea for 2-year Interim Period to finalize Legal Provisions and other preparations

Opening agreed to be on March 2002 during 24th RCA Meeting of National Representatives in Korea

GC again requested Task Force Group to prepare a Revision of the Working Paper incorporating several Comments made at GC

Opening of the Office


On 27 March 2002, Wednesday, 17:00

At Nuclear Training Center Building at KAERI, Daejeon

Office Facilities Equipped

Staffs Assigned

Celebrating Events (Ceremony and Reception)

RCARO Director Appointed


According to the Working Paper (Interim Measures), during the interim operational period, a Korean appointed Director discharges the assigned duties, including the management and administration of the RCARO.

Mr Kim, Jin-Kyoung was appointed as the first Director of the RCARO as of March 2002.

RCARO Working Paper Adopted


The 31st RCA General Conference Meeting in Vienna in September 2002 adopted the ‘Working Paper on the Establishment and Operation of the RCA Regional Office in Korea’ that stipulated details of operation and management of RCARO.

The Working Paper was amended by the 32nd RCA General Conference in Vienna in September 2003 that incorporated the adoption of a RCA Resolution on the Establishment of the RCA Regional Office.

RCARO Related Guidelines Adopted


The 31st RCA General Conference Meeting in Vienna in September 2002 also adopted the following guidelines related to the operation of the RCARO.

Guidelines on the Operation of the Advisory Committee of the RCA Regional Office

Guidelines on the Operation of the Selection Committee for the Director of the RCA Regional Office

Guidelines on the Selection and Appointment of the Director of the RCA Regional Office

RCARO Advisory Committee Constituted


The RCARO Advisory Committee (AC) was constituted at the 24th Meeting of National RCA Representatives in Korea in March 2002.

Members elected are the National RCA Representatives of AUL, BGD, CPR, IND and ROK as the host country of the RCA Regional Office, and the RCA Coordinator on behalf of the IAEA. The AC elected BGD as the Chair.

In March 2004, the AC was reconstituted. BGD was replaced by PHI. The AC elected AUL as the new Chair.

RCA Resolution Adopted


The 32nd RCA General Conference Meeting in Vienna in September 2003 adopted the RCA Resolution on the Establishment of the RCA Regional Office that reconfirmed the roles and functions of the Director of the RCA Regional Office and requested the Government of the Republic of Korea to continue all necessary support for the RCA Regional Office, and also requested all RCA Member States to support and cooperate with the RCA Regional Office.

Selection Committee Constituted


In March 2004, the 5-member Selection Committee for a Director of RCA Regional Office was constituted. 3 members were recommended by the AC while 2 other members were designated by the host country and the IAEA. 3 members recommended by the AC are Dr John F Easey (AUL), Dr Anil Kumar Anand (IND) and Dr Corazon C Bernido (PHI). On behalf of the host country, Dr Chung-Won Cho, Director General, Atomic Energy Bureau, MOST was nominated. On behalf of the IAEA, Dr M Prinath Dias, the RCA Coordinator was nominated.

RCARO Standing Advisory Committee Constituted


- The Standing Advisory Committee of the RCARO was appointed by the 27th Meeting of the National RCA Representatives in April 2005 in connection with the entering in full operation of the RCARO after the interim operation.
- The current Standing Advisory Committee Members are the immediate past RCA Chair, the current RCA Chair and the immediate next RCA Chair, National RCA Representative of the Republic of Korea as the host country of the RCARO, the Chair country of the former RCARO Interim Advisory Committee, and the RCA Coordinator on behalf of the IAEA.
- The RCA Coordinator has no voting right. Any change in the composition of the Standing Advisory Committee shall require the approval by the meetings of the National RCA Representatives.
- The RCARO shall function as the Secretariat of the RCARO SAC.
- The RCARO SAC shall meet before each meeting of the National RCA Representatives and make its recommendations to the Meeting in the form of a report of the Chair of the RCARO SAC.
- Presence of four members out of six will constitute a quorum for a meeting of the RCARO SAC.
(a) To give advice
- on day-to-day operational matters of the RCARO including additional legal provisions
- on the activities of the RCARO in fulfilling its mandate given by the Member States including
the RCARO initiated projects
- on the RCARO related documents such as guidelines and protocols
- on the RCARO work plan
- on the RCARO annual report
(b) To constitute and operate the Selection Committee for the Director of the RCARO
(c) To recommend
- for appointment the most suitable candidate for the Director of the RCARO
- to the host government and to the IAEA with regard to the operation of the RCARO
(e) To evaluate the performance of the Director of the RCARO annually and to report the result of the evaluation to the NRM for their consideration