RCA Programme Cycle

RCA Programme Cycle
No | Project Number and Title | Lead Country Coordinator | PMO | TO | Project Duration | |
17 | RAS0086 Enhancing the Management and Implementation of Activities under the Framework |
Republic of Korea |
Mr Sinh Van Hoang V.Hoang@iaea.org |
2020-2021 | ||
16 | RAS1022 Strengthening Regional Capacity in Non-Destructive Testing and Examination Using Nuclear and Related Techniques for Safer, Reliable, More Efficient and Sustainable Industries Including Civil Engineering |
Mr Ilham Mukriz Zainal Abidin Malaysian Nuclear Agency Bangi Kajang 43000 Malaysia Tel. +60 3 8911 2000 E-mail : mukriz@nm.gov.my |
Mr Sinh Van Hoang V.Hoang@iaea.org |
Mr Patrick Dominique M. Brisset Mr Gerardo Antonio Antonio Maghella Seminario P.Brisset@iaea.org / G.Maghella-Seminario@iaea.org |
2019-2022 | |
15 | RAS5077 Promoting the Application of Mutation Techniques and Related Biotechnologies for the Development of Green Crop Varieties |
Mr Liu Luxiang Institute of Crop Sciences Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences E-mail : luxiang@263.net.cn |
Mr Sinh Van Hoang V.Hoang@iaea.org |
Mr Isaac Kofi Kofi Bimpong I.Bimpong@iaea.org |
2017-2020 | |
14 | RAS5081 Enhancing Food Safety and Supporting Regional Authentication of Foodstuffs through Implementation of Nuclear Techniques |
Mr Russell David Frew Department of Chemistry University of Otago PO Box 56 Dunedin New Zealand E-mail : russell.frew@otago.ac.nz |
Mr Sinh Van Hoang V.Hoang@iaea.org |
Mr Simon Douglas Kelly Mr Zhihua Ye S.Kelly@iaea.org / Z.Ye@iaea.org |
2018-2021 | |
13 | RAS5084 Assessing and Improving Soil and Water Quality to Minimize Land Degradation and Enhance Crop Productivity Using Nuclear Techniques |
Mr Timothy John Ralph Department of Environmental Sciences Macquarie University Australia E-mail : tim.ralph@mq.edu.au |
Mr Sinh Van Hoang V.Hoang@iaea.org |
Mr Joseph Jackson Adu-Gyamfi J.Adu-Gyamfi@iaea.org |
2018-2021 | |
12 | RAS5087 Promoting Food Irradiation by Electron Beam and X Ray Technology to Enhance Food Safety, Security and Trade |
Vietnam |
Mr Sinh Van Hoang V.Hoang@iaea.org |
Mr Carl Michael Blackburn C.Blackburn@iaea.org |
2020-2023 | |
11 | RAS5088 Enhancing Crop Productivity and Quality through Mutation by Speed Breeding |
Mr Luxiang Liu Institute of Crop Science, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS) 12 Zhongguancun South Street 100081 Beijing China E-mail : liuluxiang@caas.cn |
Mr Sinh Van Hoang V.Hoang@iaea.org |
Ms Sobhana Sivasankar S.Sivasankar@iaea.org |
2020-2023 | |
10 | RAS6086 Strengthening Cancer Management Programmes in Government Parties through Collaboration with National and Regional Radiation Oncology Societies |
Mr Takashi Nakano Gunma University Graduate School of Medicine 3-39-22 Showa-machi Maebashi Gunma, 371-8511 Japan Tel. +81 27 220 8380 E-mail : tnakano@gunma-u.ac.jp |
Mr Sinh Van Hoang V.Hoang@iaea.org |
Mr Kamal Akbarov Mr Eduardo Hernan Zubizarreta Mr Paul Ravindran Babu Rao K.Akbarov@iaea.org / E.Zubizarreta@iaea.org / P.R.Babu-Rao@iaea.org |
2018-2021 | |
9 | RAS6087 Enhancing Medical Physics Services to Develop Government Parties through Regional Leadership in Standards and Education and Training Support |
Mr Ian Donald Mclean Medical Physics and Radiation Engineering The Canberra Hospital The Canberra HospitP.O Box 11, Yamba Drive 2606 Garran, Woden, ACLal Australia Tel. +61 2 6174 5623 E-mail : Donald.McLean@act.gov.au |
Mr Sinh Van Hoang V.Hoang@iaea.org |
Ms Giorgia Loreti Mr Paul Ravindran Babu Rao G.Loreti@iaea.org / P.R.Babu-Rao@iaea.org |
2018-2021 | |
8 | RAS6093 Strengthening Capacity to Manage Non-Communicable Diseases Using Imaging Modalities in Radiology and Nuclear Medicine |
Dr. Mr. Byung Il KIM Korea Cancer Center Hospital; Korea Institute of Radiological and Medical Sciences (KIRAMS) 215-4 Gongneung-dong, Nowon-gu 139-706 Seoul Korea, Republic of E-mail : kimbi@kirams.re.kr |
Mr Sinh Van Hoang V.Hoang@iaea.org |
Mr Enrique Estrada Lobato Ms Diana Isabel Paez Gutierrez E.Estrada-Lobato@iaea.org / D.Paez@iaea.org |
2019-2022 | |
7 | RAS6096 Empowering Regional Collaboration among Radiotherapy Professionals through Online Clinical Networks |
New zealand |
Mr Sinh Van Hoang V.Hoang@iaea.org |
Mr Gregorius Ben Ben Prajogi G.B.Prajogi@iaea.org |
2020-2023 | |
6 | RAS6097 Enhancing Capacity and Capability for the Production of Cyclotron-Based Radiopharmaceuticals |
Republic of Korea |
Mr Sinh Van Hoang V.Hoang@iaea.org |
Mr Amirreza Jalilian A.Jalilian@iaea.org |
2020-2023 | |
5 | RAS7028 Enhancing Regional Capabilities for Marine Radioactivity Monitoring and Assessment of the Potential Impact of Radioactive Releases from Nuclear Facilities in Asia-Pacific Marine Ecosystems |
Mr Ali Arman Centre for Isotope and Radiation Application (CIRA)National Nuclear Energy Agency (BATAN) 2 Jalan Lebak Bulus Raya No.49,12440 Jakarta Indonesia E-mail : alilubis@batan.go.id |
Mr Sinh Van Hoang V.Hoang@iaea.org |
Ms Iolanda Osvath I.Osvath@iaea.org |
2017-2020 | |
4 | RAS7031 Assessing the Vulnerability of Coastal Landscapes and Ecosystems to Sea-level Rise and Climate Change |
Ms Kerrylee Rogers University of Wollongong 2522 Wollongong Australia E-mail : kerrylee@uow.edu.au |
Mr Sinh Van Hoang V.Hoang@iaea.org |
Mr Paul James Morris Mr Peter Wolfgang Swarzenski P.J.Morris@iaea.org / P.Swarzenski@iaea.org |
2019-2022 | |
3 | RAS7035 Enhancing Regional Capability for the Effective Management of Ground Water Resources Using Isotopic Techniques |
China |
Mr Sinh Van Hoang V.Hoang@iaea.org |
Mr Umaya Doss Sarvana Kumar U.D.Saravana-Kumar@iaea.org |
2020-2023 | |
2 | RAS7037 Enhancing Wetland Management and Sustainable Conservation Planning |
Australia |
Mr Sinh Van Hoang V.Hoang@iaea.org |
Ms Sylvia Gertrud Sander S.Sander@iaea.org |
2020-2023 | |
1 | RAS9092 Strengthening the Capacity to Respond to Radiological Emergencies of Category II and III Facilities |
Ms Hyun Koyoung Jeon RCA Regional Office 150 Duckjin-dong Yuseong Daejeon Republic of Korea E-mail : hkjeon@rcaro.org |
Mr Sinh Van Hoang V.Hoang@iaea.org |
Mr Kunihiko Motomitsu K.Motomitsu@iaea.org |
2020-2023 |