RCA Programme Cycle

RCA Programme Cycle
No | Project Number and Title | Lead Country Coordinator | PMO | TO | Project Duration | |
16 | RAS6038 Strengthening Medical Physics through Education and Training |
Dr John Drew Institute of Medical Physics The University of Sydney NSW 2006 Australia Tel. +61 2 9899 5631 E-mail : john.drew@internode.on.net |
Mr Mykola Kurylchyk M.Kurylchyk@iaea.org |
Mr Ahmed Meghzifene A.Meghzifene@iaea.org |
2003-2016 | |
15 | RAS0074 Enhancing the Management of the RCA Agreement and its Programme (RCA) |
Ms Mi-kyung Han Deputy Director of Space, Nuclear and Big Science Cooperation Division Space, Nuclear and Big Science Policy Bureau Ministry of Science and ICT Korea E-mail : hmk1478@korea.kr |
Mr. Sinh Van Hoang V.Hoang@iaea.org |
2016-2017 | ||
14 | RAS1014 Supporting Radiation Processing for the Development of Advanced Grafted Materials for Industrial Applications and Environmental Preservation (RCA) |
Mr Kamarudin Bin Hashim Division of Radiation Processing Technology Malaysian Nuclear Agency 43000 Kajang, Selangor Malaysia Tel. +60 3 89282912 Fax. +60 3 89202968 E-mail : kbhashim@nuclearmalaysia.gov.my |
Mr Sinh Van Hoang V.Hoang@iaea.org |
Mr Sunil Sabharwal sunsab57@gmail.com |
2012-2016 | |
13 | RAS1020 Building Capacity for Applications of Advanced Non-Destructive Evaluation Technologies for Enhancing Industrial Productivity (RCA) |
Mr Umesh Kumar Head Industrial Tomography & Instrumentation Section Isotope Applications and Radiopharmaceuticals Division, BARC Trombay, Mumbai-400085 India Tel. +91 22 2559 3275 Fax. +91 22 2550 5151 E-mail : umeshkum@barc.gov.in |
Mr Gashaw Gebeyehu Gebeyehu Wolde G.G.Wolde@iaea.org |
Mr Patrick Dominique M. Brisset P.Brisset@iaea.org |
2015-2017 | |
12 | RAS5070 Developing Bioenergy Crops to Optimize Marginal Land Productivity through Mutation Breeding and Related Techniques (RCA) |
Mr Soeranto Human Centre for Application of Isotopes and Radiation Technology (PATIR) National Nuclear Energy Agency P.O. Box 7002, Jalan Lebak Bulus Raya No.49, Jakarta Selatan Indonesia Tel. +62217690709 Fax. +62217691607 E-mail : Soeranto@batan.go.id |
Mr Sinh Van Hoang V.Hoang@iaea.org |
Mr Ljupcho Jankuloski Ms Fatma Sarsu Ms Lee Kheng Heng Mr Mohammad Zaman L.Jankuloski@iaea.org / F.Sarsu@iaea.org / L.Heng@iaea.org / M.Zaman@iaea.org |
2015-2018 | |
11 | RAS5071 Strengthening Adaptive Climate Change Strategies for Food Security through the Use of Food Irradiation (RCA) |
Ms Zenaida M. De Guzman Atomic Research Division Philippine Nuclear Research Institute Diliman Quezon City Philippines Fax. +932 9259211 E-mail : zmdeguzman@pnri.dost.gov.ph |
Mr Sinh Van Hoang V.Hoang@iaea.org |
Mr Carl Michael Blackburn C.Blackburn@iaea.org |
2015-2017 | |
10 | RAS5077 Promoting the Application of Mutation Techniques and Related Biotechnologies for the Development of Green Crop Varieties (RCA) |
Mr Liu Luxiang Institute of Crop Sciences, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences 12, Zhongguancun South Street, Beijing, 100081 P.R.CHINA Peoples’ Republic of China Tel. +86 10 62122719 Fax. +86 10 68975212 E-mail : luxiang@263.net.cn |
Mr Sinh Van Hoang V.Hoang@iaea.org |
Mr Isaac Kofi Kofi Bimpong I.Bimpong@iaea.org |
2017-2020 | |
9 | RAS6071 Strengthening Radionuclide Therapy for High Impact Cancer Treatment Strategy in Member States of the Regional Cooperative Agreement (RCA) |
Mr Sudeep Gupta Advanced Centre for Treatment, Research & Education in Cancer (ACTREC) Tata Memorial Centre PS-305, CRC Building, Sector 22, Kharghar, Navi Mumbai - 4 Maharashtra Mumbai India Tel. + 9122 27405034 33 E-mail : Sudeep.gupta@actrec.gov.in |
Mr Sinh Van Hoang V.Hoang@iaea.org |
Mr Enrique Estrada Lobato E.Estrada-Lobato@iaea.org |
2015-2017 | |
8 | RAS6072 Strengthening Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy Capability in the Region (RCA) |
Mr Takashi Nakano Department of Radiation Oncology 3-39-22 Showa-machi, Maebashi-shi, Gunnma, 371-8511 JAPAN Tel. +81 27 220 8380 Fax. +81 27 220 8397 E-mail : tnakano@gunma-u.ac.jp |
Mr Sinh Van Hoang V.Hoang@iaea.org |
Mr Jose Alfredo Polo Rubio J.A.Polo-Rubio@iaea.org |
2015-2017 | |
7 | RAS6076 Improving Cancer Management Through Strengthening the Computed Tomography Cancer Staging Process (RCA) |
Mr Kie-Hwan Kim Korea Cancer Center Hospita Korea Institute of Radiological and Medical Sciences (KIRAMS) 215-4, Gongneung-Dong, Nowon-Ku, Seoul 139-706 Korea, Republic of Tel. +82 2 9701252, +82 10 5532 2862 Fax. +82 2 970 2433 E-mail : khkim@kirams.re.kr |
Mr Ho-seung Lee H.Lee@iaea.org |
Ms Diana Isabel Paez Gutierrez Mr Thomas Neil Pascual Mr Charalampos Delis D.Paez@iaea.org / T.Pascual@iaea.org / H.Delis@iaea.org |
2014-2016 | |
6 | RAS6077 Strengthening the Effectiveness and Extent of Medical Physics Education and Training (RCA) |
Mr Donald McLean 10 Moodie Street, Farrer, Canberra, ACT 2607 AUSTRALIA Fax. 61 26244 3819 E-mail : Donald.McLean@act.gov.au |
Mr Sinh Van Hoang V.Hoang@iaea.org |
2014-2017 | ||
5 | RAS6083 Improving Patient Care and Enhancing Government Parties Capacity in Nuclear Medicine programmes in the RCA Region (RCA) |
Ms Hyun Kyoung Jeon Head Programme Division RCA Regional Office 989-111 Daedeok-daero, Yuseung, Daejeon, Korea, Republic of Tel. +82-42-868-8223 Fax. +82-42-864-1626 E-mail : hkjeon@rcaro.org |
Mr. Sinh Van Hoang V.Hoang@iaea.org |
Ms Diana Isabel Paez Gutierrez D.Paez@iaea.org |
2016-2018 | |
4 | RAS6085 Enhancing Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy for Frequent Cancers in the RCA Region (RCA) |
Mr Wonil Jang Korea Institute of Radiological and Medical Sciences (KIRAMS) 215-4 Gongneung-Dong, Nowon-ku Seoul 139-706 Korea, Republic of Tel. +82 2 970 1262 Fax. +82 2 970 2412 E-mail : zzang11@kirams.re.kr |
Mr Sinh Van Hoang V.Hoang@iaea.org |
Mr Kamal Akbarov Mr Paul Ravindran Babu Rao K.Akbarov@iaea.org / P.R.Babu-Rao@iaea.org |
2016-2019 | |
3 | RAS7028 Enhancing Regional Capabilities for Marine Radioactivity Monitoring and Assessment of the Potential Impact of Radioactive Releases from Nuclear Facilities in Asia-Pacific Marine Ecosystems (RCA) |
Mr Ron Szymczak 205/4 Bormio Place Cronulla, NSW 2230 AUSTRALIA Australia Tel. +61 405 630 425 E-mail : ron.szymczak@bigpond.com |
Mr Sinh Van Hoang V.Hoang@iaea.org |
Ms Iolanda Osvath I.Osvath@iaea.org |
2017-2020 | |
2 | RAS7029 Assessing the Impact of Urban Air Particulate Matter on Air Quality (RCA) |
Mr Andreas Markwitz Principal Scientist National Isotope Centre GNS Science 30 Gracefield Road P.O. Box 31-312 Lower Hutt 5040 NEW ZEALAND New Zealand Tel. +64 4 570 4785 Fax. +64 4 570 4657 E-mail : a.markwitz@gns.ri.nz |
Mr Sinh Van Hoang V.Hoang@iaea.org |
Ms Aliz Simon Aliz.Simon@iaea.org |
2016-2018 | |
1 | RAS7030 Assessing Deep Groundwater Resources for Sustainable Management through the Utilization of Isotopic Techniques (RCA) |
Mr Muhammad Azam Tasneem Head IAD, PINSTECH P.O. Nilore, Islamabad PAKISTAN Pakistan Tel. +92 51 2208038 Fax. +92 51 9248808 E-mail : azamtasneem@pinstech.org.pk, Azam_tasneem@yahoo.com |
Mr Sinh Van Hoang V.Hoang@iaea.org |
Mr Umaya Doss Sarvana Kumar Mr Ioannis Matiatos U.D.Saravana-Kumar@iaea.org / I.Matiatos@iaea.org |
2016-2019 |