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RCA News
2005 RCA Post-doctoral Fellowship Programme Offers Nine Positions Application Due by First Week of March 2005 to RCARO A 6-month Fellowship Attachment to Major Nuclear R&D Projects






In 2005, RCARO offers nine individual positions for application from Member States to RCA Post-doctoral Fellowship (Training) Programme. The RCA Post-doctoral Fellowship Programme was first initiated in 2002 right after RCARO was established. Main objectives of the programme are to support Member States in preserving and enhancing nuclear knowledge that need not only for now but also for future. Announcement for application to the fellowship programme has been circulated to all National RCA Representatives of Member States.

The nine positions that RCARO offers this year are research reactor utilization, nuclear medicine, radioactive waste management, nuclear safety research and other fields of endeavors. The fellows when accepted will be provided travel and living expenses by the host research institutes in Korea. The fellows will extensively enjoy R&D works of their interest and will improve their professional career by participating in Korea's major national nuclear R&D projects. During the past two more years, a total of 23 fellows from Member States have completed their post-doctoral fellowship programme supported by RCARO. It is noted that this programme earns wider recognition from Member States with regard to nuclear human resources development.

Details of the 2005 RCA Post-doctoral Fellowship Programme together with terms and conditions and application forms can be found at RCARO homepage. Any further information, please write to Mr Dae-ki Kim at dkkim@kaeri.re.kr or Ms Min-Jeong Lee at mjleerca@kaeri.re.kr, respectively. Fax is +82-42-864-1626.

