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RCA News
Int'l Ministerial Conference on Nuclear Power for 21st Century 21-22 March 2005, Centre de Conferences, Paris, France Review Role of Nuclear Power and Define Potential Benefits






IAEA organized International Ministerial Conference on 'Nuclear Power for the 21st Century' will be held on 21-22 March 2005 at Centre de Conferences 'Pierre Mendes France', Paris. The broad strategic objectives of the Conference are: to review the role of nuclear power and to define the potential benefits (energy security, sustainability and improved environmental protection) that expanding nuclear power offers to meet the increasing energy needs of the world, and to facilitate a discussion on the issues of nuclear energy and society involving experts and decision makers.
Participants are expected to be Ministers and senior level advisers, or representatives of organizations that can make or influence energy related decisions. Around 200 participants are expected. Opening speech will be made by the Conference Chair (French Minister of Industry) followed by key note address by M. ElBaradei (DG of IAEA) and D Johnston (SG of OECD).

There will be four round table discussions, namely, 1) World energy needs and resources 2) Environmental challenges of the 21st century 3) Driving factors for strategies and choices, and 4) Governance issues. National presentations by Ministers are also included that will focus on 'energy needs for the 21st century and country strategies to meet them'.

It is noted that RCA has been supporting energy planning and comparative assessment of different energy options of the Member States, in particular on the role of nuclear energy in the environmental paths, through a thematic sector project. Some of the Member States have reflected the outcomes of the project to their national energy policy makings.

For further information on the Conference, please visit the Conference web page:

