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RCA News
SEAWUN Convention on Water and Wastewater in Southeast Asia Hanoi, Viet Nam, 7-9 June 2005 To Highlight Environment Management and Sustainability






Convention on water and wastewater in Southeast Asia will be held in Hanoi, Viet Nam in 7-9 June 2005 with a theme of 'Sharing Our Experience, Problems and Solutions'. The Convention is organized by SEAWUN (South East Asian Water Utilities Network (SEAWUN) and supported by ADB.

The Convention will focus on such impending issues as Performance Benchmarking, Full Cost Recovery, Non revenue Water Production, Public-Private Partnership for the Development of Water and Wastewater Sector, and Training and Human Resources Development. Among the planned topics of the Convention, it is expected that key technical issues to improve service delivery and reduce costs using appropriate technology and technical innovations, and environment management and sustainability will be highlighted.

It is noted that RCA has been carrying out regional co-operative project on application of isotope techniques in groundwater contamination in urbanized and industrialized areas. In addition, one of the IAEA's model projects is the use of electron beam for recovering wastewater from industrial activity.

For more information, Mr Vu Kim Queyn, Executive Director, SEAWUN at vkquyen@hn.vnn.vn

