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RCA News
IAEA and RCA at CAI Regional Dialogue Meeting 11-12 July 2005, Bangkok, Thailand UNEP and Clean Air Initiative for Asian Cities Organized






At the 2nd Regional Dialogue of Air Quality Management Programmes and Initiatives in Asia, that was held in 11-12 July 2005 in Bangkok, IAEA and RCA together with RCARO participated and raised awareness on IAEA/RCA air pollution activities in an effort to seek IAEA/RCA's possible contribution to the regional air pollution issues. The UNEP (UN Environment Programme) and CAI (Clean Air Initiative)-Asia supported by ADB (Asian Development Bank) jointly organized meeting was aimed at furthering cooperation and coordination of organizations working on air quality management in Asia. At the meeting, IAEA and RCA presented their endeavors to protect air pollution in the region that was widely recognized by the various development partners.

ADB and UNEP supported the CAI-Asia in an effort to create cleaner air quality in Asian cities. The CAI-Asia regional dialogue meeting, in which some 30 individual development-related organizations participated, presented the compendium of Air Quality Management-Related Programmes and Projects in Asia (2005) that was produced by CAI Secretariat. Based on the compendium, member organizations are requested to review the business plan for immediate future actions.

As for the IAEA and RCA, it was first occasion to participate in such regional meeting on air quality management dialogue and to introduce distinctive advantages that nuclear technologies can offer to contribute bettering air quality in the region. Dr Andrzej Markowicz, technical officer for RCA air pollution project, made a presentation on IAEA's activities on air pollution while Dr Andreas Markwitz, RCA Lead Country Coordinator for Environment projects, made a presentation on RCA's air pollution activities. Mr Kun-Mo Choi, Director, RCARO, participated in the meeting on behalf of RCARO. RCARO advertised RCA at the meeting.

