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RCA News
IAEA/RCA Project Coordination Meeting on Osteoporosis 11-15 July 2005, Singapore






IAEA/RCA Project Coordination Meeting on the project of ‘Prevention of Osteoporosis and Promotion of Bone Bass in Asian Populations using a Food-based Approach’ will be held in Singapore in 11-15 July 2005. The main objective of this coordination meeting is to review the situation in each participating RCA Member States with regard to Osteoporosis patients in the aspect of food based approaches.

Osteoporosis is a major public health problem worldwide, in particular in postmenopausal women. Therefore, strategies to prevent and delay the development of osteoporosis are urgently needed. Since bone mass attained during childhood/adolescence impinges the bone loss in later life, the focus should be placed on children, in particular girls, and postmenopausal women. Among other important factors, this project emphasizes ‘life style’ factors such as diet, physical activity, smoking etc.

This project aims to evaluate food based approaches to prevent osteoporosis and promote bone mass in Asian population. In doing so, the situation in each participating RCA Member States will be reviewed and work plans for the implementation of the project will be developed at national as well as regional levels.

For further information, contact Dr David C.E. NG at iaea_osteoporosis_sgh@yahoo.com

