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RCA News
IAEA/RCA RTC on Groundwater Contamination Analysis 3-14 October 2005, Mumbai, India






IAEA/RCA Regional Training Course (RTC) on ‘Isotopes and Geochemical Modeling in Groundwater Contamination’ will be held in Mumbai, India in 3-14 October 2005. The main objective of this course is to provide adequate practical training in methodologies for isotope data interpretation and geochemical modeling used groundwater contamination studies.

In a number of RCA Member States, development of water resources and its management are emerging promptly. In its efforts to maintain sustainable supply of clean drinking water, assessing contaminant levels in surface waters and aquifer system is critical element. In this circumstance, isotope techniques in hydrology have been proven to be highly advantageous in terms of their reliability and applicability, particularly when applied in conjunction with conventional techniques.

This project aspires to assess groundwater quality in selected urbanized area, to build capacity and to promote the use of isotope techniques as well as conventional techniques. It also sheds a light on the study of pollutant behavior and contaminant transport in groundwater systems. Through this training course, participants are expected to learn how to plan, collect and interpret isotopic data along with practical demonstration of hydro-geochemical modeling methods used in isotope hydrology.
For further information, contact Mr. U.K. Shinha at udayks@apsara.barc.ernet.in

