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RCA News
IAEA/RCA Thematic Sector Lead Country Meeting 1-4 August 2005, IAEA Headquarters in Vienna RCA Medium Term Strategy Meeting Concurrent






IAEA/RCA Thematic Sector Lead Country Coordinators (LCCs) Meeting will be held in 1-4 August 2005 at IAEA Headquarters in Vienna. The meeting will highlight review of IAEA/RCA 2007-08 cycle project proposals with priorities. The Working Group Meeting for RCA Medium Term Strategy will be held concurrently.

The IAEA/RCA projects have been implemented under thematic sectors on a 2-year cycle. The 7 thematic sectors that RCA puts emphasis are 1) Agricultural application of nuclear techniques 2) Human health application of nuclear techniques 3) Industrial applications of nuclear techniques 4) Environmental applications of nuclear techniques 5) Radiation safety 6) Energy planning, and 7) Research reactor utilization. RCA Member States designated Lead Countries (LCs) who would coordinate each responsible thematic sector among the Member States and the IAEA as a major donor.

The LCCs meeting this year will focus on the technical aspects of the 2007-08 cycle project proposals that have been initially prioritized by the National RCA Representatives in April 2005. At the LCCs Meeting, RCARO will present future strategy of RCARO inviting active participation of LCCs.

