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RCA News
RCA-KOICA-KIRAMS Nuclear Medicine Training Programme From 29 Aug. 2005 at KIRAMSPET and Medical Cyclotron Use Emphasized






The 2005 RCA Nuclear Medicine Internship Training Programme, supported by KOICA (Korea International Cooperation Agency), began from 29 August 2005 at KIRAMS (Korea Institute of Radiological and Medical Sciences) for three weeks. The programme will mostly highlight practical on-the-job training in medical applications and utilizations of cyclotron and radio-isotopes in an effort to promote nuclear human health activities in the RCA region.

A total of 14 nuclear medicine professionals from BGD, CPR, INS, MYA, PAK, PHI, SRL and VIE have participated. At the opening, Dr Soo-Yong LEE, President of KIRAMS stressed TCDC among RCA Member States in nuclear medicine as well as radiation oncology. He added that KIRAMS is ready to serve for the benefits of RCA Member States in improving human health of the population using distinctive advantages of nuclear techniques. RCARO made a presentation on the regional nuclear cooperation under the aegis of IAEA and explained the roles of RCA and RCARO.

