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RCA News
34th RCA General Conference Meeting RCA Medium Term Strategy Envisioned Endorsed RCARO New Initiatives






The 34th RCA General Conference meeting was held on 23 September 2005 at IAEA Head Office in Vienna with the participation of national RCA representatives of 17 RCA Member States in Asia and the Pacific region, representatives of RCARO and related IAEA officers including DDG-TC and DDG-NA.

RCA Member States have been gathering twice a year to discuss major RCA policy as well as project matters; once in spring at a Member State and another one in conjunction with the IAEA General Conference in September which is called RCA General Conference meeting. This year's RCA General Conference meeting was the 34th meeting in chronology.

At the 34th RCA GC meeting, the DDG-TC, Ms Ana Maria Cetto, congratulated RCA on its valuable endeavors to improve management of RCA to set up constructive projects. The DDG-TC also congratulated the RCA Member States for their support to RCARO to go into full operation and appointed a new Director.

At the meeting, Member States made some important decisions such as adoption of RCA Medium Term Strategy in principle, adoption of Guidelines for Projects Initiated by RCARO and so on. The RCA Medium Term Strategy (2006-2011) revisited RCA vision and missions and recommended future project perspectives based on the IAEA Technical Cooperation Strategy, MDGs, and other regional requirements.

With regard to RCARO's new initiatives; one on the use of RCARO's own fund and another one on UNDP-Korea's three-year project with approximately USD 300,000 fund, the Meeting endorsed the initiatives and commended works done by the RCARO to promote RCA visibility and viability. The Meeting agreed that the RCARO's own 2005 fund would be used for identifying most appropriate project in environmental area for 2009 and beyond. For the UNDP-Korea project, the Meeting agreed to use the fund opportunity to analysis environmental impact occurred from the unexpected natural environmental changes such as the Tsunami. Also, the Meeting reconfirmed RCA's participation in the 2006 PEMSEA International Conference.

