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RCA News
IAEA/RCA RTC on Radio-sterilization of Biohazards 20-27 Jan 2006, Vadodara, India Radiation Application for Biohazard Treatment






IAEA supported RCA regional training course on radiation deactivation and sterilization of biohazards will be held in 20-27 January 2006 at Vadodara, India in cooperation with the Bhaba Atomic Research Center (BARC).

Radiation has been known to be very effective in the decomposition or inactivation of pathogenic micro-organisms and protozoan parasites as such or in combination with other agents, such as ozone, heat, etc. In view of the recent development in electron beam (EB) technology, the use of electron accelerators seems to be capable of providing a good solution to decontaminate micro- biological hazards agents. The other field of technology applications is sludge hygenization. Sludge formed in a municipal wastewater treatment plants is a good organic fertilizer, however is highly contaminated by microbes, parasites, parasite eggs etc, therefore has to be treated before the use.

The training course will introduce the participants to the general concepts of radiation technologies (irradiators and processes), their application for biohazard treatment and review present state- of-the-art technology regarding possible application of radiation technology for on-site decontamination work. At the same, economic and social aspects of raditation technology implementation will also be covered.

For further information,
Dr Sunil Sabharwal, BARC

