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RCA News
IAEA/RCA ASO Distance Learning Assess Meeting 23-25 January 2006, Manila, Philippines To Design Distance Learning Prog. based on Pilot Course






A project coordinators' meeting to review and assess the IAEA/RCA initiated distance learning course on Applied Science of Radiation Oncology (ASO) will be held in 23-25 January 2006 in Manila, the Philippines.

Since there is sever shortages in trained radiation oncology personnel and in particular a lack of teaching resources in the ASO, the IAEA/RCA has conducted ASO Distance Learning Course on a pilot scale to see the value for further application in the region. It was commonly felt that the ASO Distance Learning Course would contribute to the solution of the problem.

The project coordinators' meeting in January 2006 in Manila jointly organized by IAEA and PNRI (Philippine Nuclear Research Institute) in cooperation with the University of the Philippines - Philippine General Hospital will review aims and design of the ASO distance learning programme. The meeting will also review the past pilot course conducted during 2004. The meeting is also expected to produce a report on the content, presentation and acceptability of the updated course modules. It is noted that the 2004 pilot course was successful that recommendations were made to continue relevant endeavors such as refining the course material.

For further information, Dr Gaudencio P Vega at gvega@zpdee.net

