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RCA News
IAEA/RCA RTC on Urban Air Quality Management 3-7 April 2006, Islamabad, Pakistan Promote Use of Nuclear Analytical Methods






IAEA/RCA Regional Training Course on Urban Air Quality Management will be held in 3-7 April 2006 in Islamabad, Pakistan with the local cooperation by the Pakistan Institute of Nuclear Science & Technology (PINSTECH).

The training course will primarily underline the improved information about urban air quality management, in particular on the Positive Matric Factorisation (PMF) apportionment applied to regional data and key transboundary events and methods to quantify trans-boundary air pollution including residence time weighted concentration analysis.

The IAEA/RCA has been actively promoting the use of nuclear analytical methods for the characterization of airborne particulate matter pollutants. In this connection, many scientists of the RCA Member States have been trained in sampling, BC analysis, NAT analysis and some data interpretation using Excel, Stat graphics and to a certain degree of positive matrix factorisation (PMF).

The training course in Islamabad in April will assist the participants from the RCA Member States in integrating these measurement methods, the elemental data obtained to-date and the application of receptor models for source identification and apportionment to contribute to the air quality management strategies and related national environment policy.

For further contact, please write to Dr Shujaat Ahmad of PINSTECH

