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RCA News
2006 RCA Post-doc Fellowship Programme for 12 Positions Application Due by the First Week of Mar. 2006 to RCARO Participation in Korea's Major Nuclear R&D Projects






RCARO offers 12 positions for RCA Post-doc Fellowship (Training) Programme for 2006. The programme was first initiated in 2002 with the establishment of RCARO in Korea. The primary objectives of the programme are to support RCA Member States in preserving and enhancing nuclear knowledge mainly for future need.

Areas that RCARO offers this year for RCA post-doc fellows are development of advanced neutron beam technology, development of advanced cladding materials, development of functional foods for body protection using radiation, establishment and development of multiple biodosimetry system, development of cyclotron RI and radiopharmaceuticals, development of regulatory technology for radiation protection, establishment of nuclear data for future nuclear R&D, and so on. Announcement for application to the fellowship programme has been circulated to all National RCA Representatives of the Member States.

It is noted that during the past 3 plus years, a total of 31 fellows from the RCA Member States have completed their post-doctoral courses with the financial support from RCARO and the host institutes as well. It is also noted that the programme has been earning wider recognition from the RCA Member States in their endeavors for preserving and enhancing nuclear knowledge and for developing human resources.

More details of the 2006 RCA Post-doctoral Fellowship (Training) Programme can be found at RCARO website; www.rcaro.org

For further inquiries, please write to Mr Dae-Ki Kim at dkkim@kaeri.re.kr
or Mr Jay H Lee at jaylee@kaeri.re.kr, respectively. Fax is +82-42-864-1626.

