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RCA News
IAEA/RCA Regional Training Course on Research Reactor Neutronic Calculations 3-14 July 2006, KAERI, Daejeon, Korea






IAEA/RCA Regional Training Course on Research Reactor Neutronic Calculations will be held in Daejeon, Korea on 3-14 July 2006 in cooperation with the Government of Korea through the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI).
Research reactor core management is a basic technology required for the operation, safety analysis and utilization of a research reactor (RR). The main purpose of the training course is to train personnel working in research reactor / radioisotope (RI) production in RR neutronics analyses and to provide them opportunity to exchange practices in RR core management, and thereby to improve the core management for the RI production and/or neutron beam application in a safe manner. Capability of improvement in neutronics calculation is important for safe and effective irradiation of RI targets and for the reasonable prediction of neutron beam intensity.

The training course will consist of presentations by the participants on reactor modeling and results obtained at their home institutions, lectures on optimum core management for RI production, exercises to search optimum core modeling by their own computer codes, reference calculations using MCNP by the computing system of host country, and discussions on the results of calculations. MCNP (Monte Carlo Neutron Particle) code is generally used for modeling neutron transport in critical or sub-critical reactors.

For further information, please contact Mr. Soo-Youl Oh at syoh@kaeri.re.kr

