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RCA News
IAEA/RCA NCM for Radiography Project 2-10 November 2006, Auckland, New Zealand12th Asia-Pacific Conference on NDT (APCNDT) Concurrently






IAEA/RCA National Coordinators Meeting (NCM) on RCA NDT project and 12th APCNDT Conference will be held in Auckland, New Zealand in 2-10 November 2006 with the support from the New Zealand Non Destructive Testing Association (NZNDTA). The NCM will be held in connection with the 12th Asia-Pacific Conference on Non Destructive Testing (APCNDT) at the same venue.

The purpose of the RCA National Coordinators Meeting on NDT is to discuss the future steps on development of sustainable NDT programme in the region, and to review the progress on harmonization of NDT certification schemes, to develop strategic plan for the region on NDT, and to keep abreast with latest development on NDT technology.

NDT is essential for quality assurance of manufactured products. Through past technical cooperation projects on NDT, many RCA Member States have established infrastructure for providing NDT services and for conducting training programmes. Accordingly, it is expected that promotion of NDT development in the Region, and continuation of the process of harmonization of NDT certification schemes, and establishment of contacts with NDT professionals and experts from the Region in order to support sustainable development of Member States can be achieved.
For further information, contact Mr. Les Dick at ljdick@ndt.co.nz, or fax: +64 2744 66498.

