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RCA News
The 45th RCA Meeting of National Representatives was held in Sydney, Australia on 9-11 May 2023






The 45th RCA Meeting of National Representatives was held at Rydges World Square in Sydney, Australia on 9-11  May 2023. Representatives from 21 RCA Government Parties discussed policy and management issues related to the RCA and its Programme. The details of the agenda included follow-up actions from the 51st GCM, 2022 RCA Programme review, report of the RCA PAC in preparation for the 2024-2025 RCA Programme, report of the RCA 2018-2023 MTS Coordination Working Group, report of the 2024-2029 MTS Drafting Working Group, report of the RCARO Director and RCARO SAC Meeting, Report of the Committee of the RCA Scholarship Programme and report of the virtual meeting of the NRs held on 18 April 2023.  Participants thanked the RCA Chair and ANSTO for hosting the successful meeting and for their hospitality.