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RCA News
35th RCA GCM Reconfirmed RCA Medium Term Strategy Current TSLCCs to continue serving until 2008 Commended RCARO for Promoting RCA Partnerships






The 35th RCA General Conference Meeting (GCM) was held on 15 September 2006 at IAEA Headquarters in Vienna with participation of National RCA Representatives of 17 Member States, representatives of RCARO, and IAEA staff members including the DEG for Technical Co-operation (Ms Ana Maria Cetto) and DDG for Nuclear Sciences and Applications (Mr Werner Burkart).

The GCM reconfirmed the RCA Medium Term Strategy with implementation plans which has been developed by a working group in line with the changing international/regional nuclear climate as well as in an effort to contribute achieving the UN MDGs. The GCM also agreed that the current RCA Thematic Sector Lead Country Coordinators (TSLCCs) system will continue to function until the end of 2008, while from 2009-2011 cycles, the role and responsibilities of the Project Lead Country Coordinators (PLCCs) will be more emphasized.

Mr Kun-Mo Choi, Director of RCARO reported to the Meeting on RCARO's major activities in 2006 including progresses of the RCA-UNDP project, RCA's participation in PEMSEA International Conference, collaboration with FNCA, etc. The GCM appreciated and commended RCARO's endeavors on various facets, in particular the new initiation of the RCA-UNDP Post-Tsunami Environment Impact Assessment Project that started from July 2006 for 3 years with the financial support from UNDP-Korea.

The Meeting recognized by Dr Manoon Aramrattana, the current RCA Chair and the Secretary General of the Office of Atoms for Peace (OAP) of Thailand for his past contributions to the RCA. Dr Manoon will retiring from OAP soon.

