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RCA News
RCA-UNDP Post-Tsunami Environment Project Meeting 22-25 August 2006, Jakarta, Indonesia, Organized by BATAN Major Project Stakeholders Developed Implementation Plan






A project meeting by major project stakeholders for RCA-UNDP Post-Tsunami Environment Impact Assessment Project was held at Century Hotel in Senayan, Jakarta, Indonesia during 22-15 August 2006 jointly organized by the National Nuclear Energy Agency (BATAN) of Indonesia and the RCA Regional Office.

The RCA-UNDP Post-Tsunami Environment Impact Assessment Project is the first rightful initiation by the RCARO in conforming with the mandate of RCARO to promote RCA partnership for the benefit of the RCA Member States. A total of 14 countries out of 17 RCA Member States pledged their participation in the project.

The meeting was opened by the Director of RCARO, Mr Kun-Mo Choi, and welcomed by the Chairman of BATAN, Mr Soedyartomo Soentono. At the meeting, major project stakeholders and national project coordinators of directly affected countries by the tsunami have participated.

Since the meeting has also aimed at interacting with the end-users and discuss with them about RCA's potential contributions to their needful activities, many local end-users participated in the meeting. They are representatives from the State Ministry for Environment (Environmental Management Impact Control), Agency for Assessment and Application of Technology, Agency for Marine and Fisheries Research, Research Center for Oceanography (Indonesian Institute of Sciences), National Development Planning Agency, Environment Impact Management Agency of Naggroe Aceh Darussalam Province, and others. Representatives from UNDP-Jakarta, UNEP-Jakarta, and ASEAN Earthquake Information Center presented their efforts to assess the environmental impact of the tsunami and expressed their keen interest in interacting with RCA in using nuclear analytical techniques.

The 4-day kick-off meeting chaired by Ms Elvira Sombrito of the Philippines developed detailed
implementation plan for 2006 and also reviewed major work plan of 2007. The meeting also adopted some recommendations to the National RCA Representatives in terms of their support and necessary actions.

