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RCA News
IAEA/RCA Air Pollution Workshop in Viet Nam Succesfully Highlighted Training on Transboundary Effect Analysis 14-18 August 2006 at Center for Radiation Protection, Hanoi






IAEA/RCA regional workshop and training course on transboundary air pollution which was held in Hanoi, Viet Nam in 14-18 August 2006 was a success. Through exchange of necessary air pollution information and by training of technical persons using nuclear analytical techniques, IAEA/RCA wishes to contribute to solving regional transboundary air pollution problem.

Some 20 participants from 11 RCA Member States attended at the workshop and gave presentations on the status of fine and coarse air particulate matter pollution in the RCA region. At the workshop, participants were given latest informnation on boundary layer meterology, coated coarse filters, HYSPLIT back trajectory techniques applied to regiolnal data and key trans-boundary events, and also on the back trajectory ensemble methods.

Various computer application programmes, such as HYSLOT for back- trajectory analysis, Google Earth for site location and possible pollution source, HYBAT for PC based back trajectory analysis, were also introduced to the participants in an effort to enhance technical capability of the air pollution analysis experts of the RCA Member States.

The workshop and training activities were organized by the Institute of Nuclear Science and Technology, Center for Radiation Protection, Viet Nam. For more information on IAEA/RCA Air Pollution Project, Dr Andreas Markwitz, RCA Thematic Sector Lead Country Coordinator for Environment and Team Leader of New Zealand Ion Beam Analysis and Nanotechnology Group at GNS (Institute of Geological and Nuclear Science), is available for your inquiry (a.markwitz@gns.cri.nz).

