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RCA News
IAEA/RCA PFRM on Mutant Germplasm Network Enhancing Genetic Diversity in Food, Pulses & Oil Crops 15-19 January 2007, Mumbai, India






IAEA/RCA Project Final Review Meeting (PFRM) on 'Enhancement of Genetic Diversity in Food, Pulses, and Oil Crops and Establishment of Mutant Germplasm Network (MGN)' will be held in Mumbai, India from 15-19 January 2007 in cooperation with the Government of India through Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC).

The IAEA/RCA Technical Cooperation Project on this title has been implemented since 2003 in 10 RCA Member States. The objective of the Project is 1) to promote the exchange of mutant germplasm among participating Member States and increase their utilization in crop improvement thereof; 2) to improve important crop traits and breed new varieties of locally important food, oil and legume crops using mutation and related biotechnology; 3) to transfer new technologies and disseminate information to and among Member States in need. Series of regional mutant multi-location trials (RMMT) have been organized for wheat, sorghum, mungbean, soybean, groundnut and sesame. Active research projects on technology development have been implemented in participating institutes. The Project will be completed at the end of 2006.

Accordingly, the objectives of this meeting are focused at 1) reporting results of various activities (germplasm enhancement and RMMT) implemented in 2006; 2) summarizing, reviewing and evaluating the achievements made during the whole project period (2003-2006), with the assistance of invited experts; 3) finalizing the content of a booklet (on major achievement) to be published by the IAEA/RCA; and 4) deciding scientific papers to be published as a special issue of the IAEA's journal Plant Mutation Reports.

For further information, contact Dr. S.F. D'Souza at sfdsouza@apsara.barc.ernet.in.

