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RCA News
29th RCA NRM in Sydney Prioritized 2009-2011 Cycles Programme 17 National RCA Representatives Foresee Future Requirements RCARO Tasked More Enhanced Contributions to Member States






National RCA Representatives (NRs) of 17 RCA Member States (MSs) met in Sydney, Australia in 19-23 March 2007 for reviewing past programmes and consider programmes for forthcoming cycles. The National RCA Representatives also tasked RCARO through the Standing Advisory Committee (SAC) of RCARO for more enhanced contributions for the benefit of MSs in increasing RCA visibility and for promoting RCA partnerships.

The 29th Meeting of National RCA Representatives (NRM) was held at Novotel Brighton in Sydney jointly organized by IAEA and the Australian Government through the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organization (ANSTO). The National RCA Representatives of 17 Member States (Australia, Bangladesh, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, New Zealand, Pakistan, the Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam) reviewed past and current RCA programmes and prospected future cycles programmes (2009-2011). Mr Ian Smith, CEO of ANSTO, welcomed the participants on behalf of the host organization. Representatives of RCARO and IAEA (as the RCA secretariat) also attended at the meeting.

The RCA Member States also commonly felt the need to achieve sustainable development of RCA projects, particularly the closed projects, for earning maximum benefits from the projects. It was noted that the sustainability is especially important since the major benefits might not be realized until some years later.

At the NRM even greatly tasked RCARO for enhancing RCA visibility and RCA viability alike. More highlighted interaction with the end-users of Member States in using advantageous nuclear technologies was requested. Partnerships with other international or regional development organizations were reiterated as RCA's traditional policy. RCA's participation in international and regional conferences was encouraged considering their impact. RCARO initiated partnership promotion programme, in particular the on-going RCA-UNDP Post-tsunami Environmental Impact Assessment Project (2006-2008) was highly appreciated by the Member States for the timely facilitation by RCARO.

