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International Bird Flu Summit Meeting in Washington 14-15 March 2007, 40 Bird Flu Expert to Address To Come Up With Best Strategies about Possible Global Pandemic Flu






The 4th International Bird Flu Summit Meeting was held in Washington, DC on 14-15 March 2007 to come up with the best strategies to address concerns about possible global pandemic flu. About 40 international bird flu experts were listed to spean on pandemic, prevention, preparedness, response, and recovery issues.

This International Bird Flu Summit features a strong line-up of talks from international health and bird flu experts. At the Meeting, public health officials, scientists, policy makers, and business leaders from different countries participated. The speakers address not only pandemic, prevention, preparedness, response, and recovery but also focus on improving collaboration, communication, and coordination among public health officials, policy makers, scientists, and business leaders.

It is noted that the last three summits were received with great success and features such key talks from Dr David Nabarro, UN System Senior Coordinator for Avian Influenza.

