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RCA News
NSRA as New FNCA Secretariat from April 2007 JAIF's Two Decades Association with FNCA Wrapped-up






The Nuclear Safety Research Association (NSRA) of Japan has been newly given a mandate to undertake administrative functions of the FNCA (Forum for Nuclear Co-operation in Asia) as of April 2007, from traditional administrative support by the JAIF (Japan Atomic Industrial Forum, Inc.) during the past nearly two decades.

FNCA is a nuclear co-operation framework in Asia and the Pacific initiated by Japan. At present, 10 countries in the region are participating in the FNCA projects that aim at promoting the peaceful application of nuclear technologies. The 10 countries are Australia, Bangladesh, China, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand and Viet Nam. JAIF has supported administration of the FNCA programme from its inception in 2000 followed by the ICNCA (International Conference for Nuclear Co-operation in Asia) that launched from 1990.

FNCA is carrying out various co-operative projects among the participating countries, in particular in the areas of agricultural, industrial and medical applications of radiation and isotopes. Since RCA is also making similar endeavors of FNCA, a complementary co-operation between RCA and FNCA for symbiotic effect has been indicated. Recently, information exchange in radiation processing for adding values of natural polymers and radiation therapy of cancer, respectively, is sought both by RCA and FNCA.

For further information, please contact Mr Hidetaka Ishikawa, General Supervisor at ishikawa@nsra.or.jp or Mr Hideharu Sato, General Manager, International Affairs and Research Department at hsato@nsra.or.jp.

