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RCA News
Resolution on the Roles and Status of the RCARO Adopted by the 36th GCM 14th September 2007, IAEA Headquarters, Vienna Confirmed Authority of the Director of RCARO






On September 14, 2007, the 36th RCA General Conference Meeting adopted the Resolution on the Roles and Status of the RCA Regional Office. The Resolution confirms that the Director of the RCARO has the authority to act on behalf of the RCA in order to fulfill its mandate as set out in the RCA Guidelines and Operating Rules given by the RCA Member States. The RCARO’s main mandate, since its inception in March 2002, is to increase the RCA awareness of the RCA stakeholders, and to promote additional partnerships for RCA projects.

The adoption of the Resolution was significant for creating positive interactions with major regional and international entities, entitling the Director of RCARO to speak on behalf of the RCA more efficiently. This Resolution also included requests for all RCA Member States to provide necessary support for the Director of the RCARO, and the RCA Secretariat to continue extending cooperation to the RCARO.