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RCA News
IAEA/RCA Mid-term Progress Review meeting Adding Value to Materials through Irradiation with Neutrons 18-22 February 2008, Bangkok, Thailand






The IAEA/RCA Mid-term Progress Review meeting of the RCA project on Adding Value to Materials through Irradiation with Neutrons is to be held on 18-22 February 2008 in Bangkok, Thailand, in cooperation with the Government of Thailand through the Thailand Institute of Nuclear Technology (TINT).

It is well known that some materials can be given added value through neutron irradiation, as demonstrated by the fact that neutron transmission doping of silicon, gemstone coloration and membrane production are in commercial service. In relation to this, a regional training course was held in 2007 to disseminate information on such technologies, and a preliminary regional database on irradiation facilities and expertise available was compiled.

The purpose of the Meeting is to review the progress made by the participating RCA Member States, to update the initial data base and review and to revise work plans for the forthcoming year. Based on the experience and inputs of first year of implementation of the project, the MSs are expected to make more realistic national and regional programs to realize the technologies in their current or future research reactors.

For further information contact Mr. Areeratt Kornduangkaeo, Manager of Gemstone Irradiation Centre, TINT, at areeratt@oaep.go.th.

