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RCA News
RCA-UNDP Project Review Meeting, 22-25 in Phuket, Concluded with Interim Results






The Project Review Meeting of the RCA-UNDP Project on Post-Tsunami Environmental Impact Assessment reconfirmed the importance of the project while demonstrating some meaningful achievement in the course of implementation of the project.

The meeting was organized by the RCARO, with the local support of TINT, PMBC and DEQP, Thailand, to review the project and to revise implementation plans for 2008 as well as to decide necessary measures to be taken for immediate action. The Meeting was held at the Kantary Bay Hotel in Phuket, Thailand in 22-25 October 2007 with 32 participants including Project Lead Country Coordinator (PLCC), National Project Coordinators (NPCs) of the Project and local end-users and experts for better interaction with the Project.

The meeting pointed out that effective delivery of the project outcomes to the related end-users would be as important as the successful completion of the project assessment activities and that the involvement of end-users should be maximized for the final meeting. The meeting also identified issues encountered by some of the Member States for which appropriate actions were discussed and to be taken by the relevant parties. The discussion was entailed by revision of the work plan for better implementation of the Project in the future. The meeting report will be uploaded soon in the RCARO homepage.