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RCA News
IAEA/RCA Working Group Meeting Enhancing TCDC through RCA Programme Malaysia, 30 July to 1 Aug 2008






IAEA/RCA Working Group Meeting (WGM) on Enhancing Technical Cooperation among Developing Countries (TCDC) through the RCA Programme to be held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia from 30 July to 1 August 2008.

In accordance with the decision of the 30th Meeting of National RCA Representatives (NR), held on 8-10 April 2008 in Hanoi, Vietnam, the RCA Member States, recognizing the importance of promoting Technical Cooperation among Developing Countries through the RCA Programme, decided to form a Working Group (WG) to have initial discussions on this matter and to prepare specific proposals and a plan for their implementation. The report of the WG containing the proposals and the work plan will be circulated to NRs and revised based on the comments received before submission for the consideration of the 37th RCA General Conference Meeting.

The WG will consider and make recommendations on: 1) how to refine the definition of TCDC for the purpose of implementation and specific recognition within the RCA programme; 2) the specific aims and objectives for TCDC activities within individual RCA projects; 3) the linkage of TCDC to the enhancement of national and regional sustainability of the RCA programme; 4) a draft implementation strategy for TCDC within the RCA programme; and 5) other significant matters that may arise during the WG’s deliberations.

The WGM will be briefed by the WG Chair, Dr Dela Rosa, the NR of the Philippines, on the main tasks and the WG will collectively review the issues and agree the text of the draft report, which will be distributed by the Chair to the RCA NRs within 1 week of the WGM.

For further information please email Dr Ainul Hayati Hj Daud, Head, External Relations, Malaysia Nuclear Agency, at ainul@nuclearmalaysia.gov.my.

