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RCA News
RCA/UNDP Project Wrap-up Meeting Post-tsunami Environment Impact Assessment Xiamen, China, 3-7 November 2008






The Wrap-up Meeting of the Project on Post-tsunami Environment Impact Assessment will be held in Xiamen, China on 3-7 November 2008, with a view to review the progress of work and wrap up the 3-year project which was initiated by the RCARO in partnership with the UNDP (K) with participation of 14 RCA Member States.

One of the key issues to be discussed at the Meeting is whether to extend the project to 2009, instead of wrapping up in 2008, in accordance to the decision made by the 37th RCA General Conference held last September in Vienna. If the Wrap-up Meeting decides to extend the project, a work plan has to be developed for 2009. The Meeting will also discuss about a new project to be developed during 2009 for initiation from 2010 forward.

After the Meeting on the Project, the participants are invited by the Chinese host to attend the opening day of the World Ocean Week event which is to be held in the same venue of Xiamen.

For further information, please contact Mr Jae-sol Lee at jaesollee@rcaro.org.

