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RCA News
37th RCA GCM held on 26 Sept. 2008 In Vienna






The 37th RCA General Conference Meeting (GCM) was held on 26 Sept. 2008 in Vienna. The GCM was preceded by the 7th RCA Standing Advisory Committee (SAC) meeting held on the previous day to discuss RCARO matters which was subsequently reported at the GCM.

The GCM, chaired by Dr. Tan (VIE) discussed and made decisions on a variety of RCA issues including among others the RCA Programme in 2009-2011, Medium Term Strategy, Working Group report on Enhancing TCDC, Format of the RCA Annual Report, and the RCARO matters from the 7th SAC. The next National Representative Meeting (31st NRM) was decided to be held in Tokyo in April 2009 hosted by Japan and the following NRM by PHI in 2010.

The SAC meeting report is attached herewith and the GCM report will be uploaded soon.