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RCA News
IAEA/RCA Regional Training Course Medical Physics in Diagnostic Radiology Manila, Philippines, 25-29 November 2008






IAEA/RCA Regional Training Course on Medical Physics in Diagnostic Radiology is to be held in Manila, the Philippines on 25-29 November 2008 in cooperation with the Government of the Philippines through Bureau of Health Devices & Technology.

The need for dosimetry in diagnostic radiology is well known due to reports such as UNSCEAR 2000, which document the dose to the population from radiation. It is the duty of the medical physicist at the work place they are responsible for, to establish what is expected, and in some cases the actual dose delivered by the diagnostic X ray equipment under their supervision. This is especially relevant for complex and high risk examinations, including mammography, computed tomography, interventional radiology and patient groups, such as pediatrics and pregnant patients.

The development of the International Cod of Practice for dosimetry in diagnostic radiology (IAEA TRS-457) offers the possibility to standardize procedures for dosimetry in diagnostic radiology. This includes both the development of calibration standards and also a common basis for the varied types of dosimetry in diagnostic radiology. Many standard laboratories are currently developing the facility to calibrate dosimetry instruments at appropriate beam energies for diagnostic radiology. This Code of Practice is endorsed by the World Health Organization (WTO) and the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO).

The purpose of the Course is to provide training in clinical diagnostic radiology dosimetry to improve the measurement and understanding of the dose delivered to patients undergoing diagnostic radiology examinations. The objective is to provide an in-depth knowledge of the requirements of dosimetry in diagnostic radiology according to IAEA TRS-457.

For more information please contact Ms. Ganette P. Peralta, Bureau of Health Devices & Technology Dept. of Health at apperalta@co.doh.gov.ph.

