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RCA News
IAEA/RCA Regional Training Course Validation of CFD Models of Multiphase Systems Goa, India, 1-5 December 2008






IAEA/RCA Regional Training Course on Validation of CFD Models of Multiphase Systems using Radiotracers is to be held in Goa, India on 1-5 December 2008 in cooperation with the Government of India through Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC), Department of Atomic Energy.

The purpose of this course is to demonstrate and train participants in using radiotracers and CFD techniques for validation of CFD models with RTD in multiphase reactors. Emphasis will be given to radiotracer and CFD methodology for data generation, processing and interpretation, as well as to potential applications of the radiotracers/CFD in chemical and petrochemical industry. Associated specialists from RCA Member States will be trained in applying radiotracer techniques for process optimization. Industries in the region will benefit from the introduction of the nuclear technology, which has shown to have immediate economic benefits.

There is a continuing need in chemical/petrochemical industries for multiphase systems for flow visualization and modeling. Multiphase system technology covers a wide range of processes that can be applied to improve the quality of chemical and petrochemical products to meet market requirements. Application of nuclear techniques in multiphase systems can offer a number of commercial and environmental benefits to industry. These include: 1) introduction to radiotracer technology and applications in multiphase systems; 2) applications of radiotracer in conjunction with CFD; 3) validation of CFD models with RTD; and 4) multiphase imaging techniques.

For more information please contact Mr. Vijay Kumar Sharma, Scientific Officer, Isotope Applications Division, BARC at vksharma@barc.gov.in.

