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RCA News
IAEA/RCA Executive Meeting on Asia Dust Events and Source Profiles 13-17 July 2009 Daejeon, Republic of Korea






IAEA/RCA Executive Meeting on Asia Dust Events and Source Profiles, for the RCA project on Characterization and Source Identification of Particulate Air Pollution in the Asian Region, will be held in Daejeon, Republic of Korea on 13-17 July 2009 in collaboration with the Government of Republic of Korea through the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI).

The purpose of this IAEA/RCA Executive Technical Meeting is to identify Asian Dust events and source profiles through analysis of individual data (with the errors of the analytical results and minimum detection limits, MDL) included in the national databases for fine and course air particulate matter. This will include: 1) Time series analysis of elements relevant to Asian Dust events; 2) Identification of obvious elemental correlations in the database; 3) Assessment of realistic error and MDL for each concentration; 4) HYSPLIT back trajectory plots; and 5) introduction of CPF and PSCF.

It is be expected through this project that 1) improved understanding of the information included in the nation databases for fine and coarse air particulate matter collected with GENT samplers in the RCA region, and 2) knowledge on the methodology of identifying dust events and source profiles.

For more information, please email Dr Yong-Sam Chung, Neutron Activation Analysis Project, Hanaro Center, KAERI, at yschung@kaeri.re.kr.

