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RCA News
RCA/IAEA Meeting of the Asian ALARA Network on Occupational Exposure in Medical Applications, 12-16 October 2010, Adelaide, Australia







In accordance with the plan of activities of the RCA programme in 2010, RCA/IAEA Meeting of the Asian ALARA Network on Occupational Exposure in Medical Applications will be held on 12 - 16 October 2010 in Adelaide, Australia. The purpose of the meeting is to review the status of the ARAN(Asia Region ALARA Network) under the framework of the project RAS/9/042 in participating countries, and based upon the review, to arrive at an action plan for the future of the network. The meeting will focus on the occupational radiation protection in medical practices taking into account the extent of practices involving nuclear and radiation-based technology in the country, as well as national commitment to develop organizational and technical capabilities for the protection of health and safety of workers occupationally exposed to ionizing radiation.

National RCA Representatives need to inform of suitable candidates for this event no later than 23rd of August with the duly completed and endorsed nomination form.
