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RCA News
2011 RCARO Temporary Staff Fellowship Programme









The RCARO invites temporary staff among the MSs to enhance the RCA’s awareness and to promote RCA partnerships. In this context, the RCARO keeps maintaining the honor and integrity of the RCA cooperative value by inviting a couple of temp staff members from the MSs each year. It is expected that the invitation of temp staff would demonstrate contributions by MSs to the RCARO based on the spirit that the RCARO was established by the MSs. The RCARO works to RCA’s benefit and facilitates the cooperation and development of the RCA MSs.

Applicants are requested to submit the application form by December 31, 2010 after receiving the signature of the National RCA Representative to the RCARO. The application should be submitted to the following address via email, fax, or air mail. The application and Terms and Conditions for the RCAR Temp Staff are available on this site as attachments

Mr. Jin-Hyung KIM
Head of Administration Division
RCA Regional Office
Fax: +82-42-864-1626
Email: jhkim@rcaro.org