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New Horizons: Nuclear Energy in a Changing World This Year’s IAEA Scientific Forum 16-17 September 2003 at Austria Center, Vienna






The IAEA has been organizing Scientific Forum annually to deal with current world nuclear issues and 2003 Scientific Forum will focus on the innovative technologies for nuclear fuel cycles and nuclear power, IAEA safety standards, and safeguards technology under the theme of ‘New Horizons: Nuclear Energy in a Changing World’. This year’s Forum will be held in 16-17 September at ACV (Austria Center, Vienna) during the 47th IAEA General Conference.
The Forum will comprise of 4 sessions. Session 1 will cover innovative nuclear approaches. These include international initiatives in the development of innovative technologies such as GIF and other collaborative initiatives, recent development and future of INPRO project, hydrogen utilization by nuclear energy, and nuclear power from fusion. This session will also look into the outcome of the June IAEA Conference on ‘Innovative Technologies for Nuclear Fuel Cycles and Nuclear Power’.

Session 2 will highlight on the innovative nuclear approaches in nuclear medicine-telemedicine. This Session will also engage in discussion on how to develop greater self-reliance in nuclear sector. Session 3 will focus on the global application of IAEA safety standards that require continued evolution in compliance with the changing needs. Development of worldwide use of IAEA transport regulations and implementation of IAEA radiation protection standards in national context will be included in the discussion. The title of Session 4 is ‘Safeguards Technology: Challenges and Limitations’. This Session will deal with the use of environmental sampling to detect indications of undeclared nuclear activities, satellite imagery analysis in safeguards implementations, future needs of safeguards equipment and technology, and so on. How to draw safeguards conclusions for the State as a whole will also be highlighted.

Each of the four sessions of the Scientific Forum will be introduced by a moderator knowledgeable in the specific field and followed by presentations by leading experts. Each session will conclude with a panel discussion.

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