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RCA News
Regional Training Course on Radiation Protection of Radioactive Waste Management, 13-17 Oct. 2003 Beijing, China






The Regional Training Course on Radiation Protection of Radioactive Waste Management will be held in Beijing, China in 13-17 Oct. 2003. In view of the policy to harmonize the radiation protection regional activities of the Model Project and of RCA in East Asia and the Pacific, the IAEA is conducting a regional training course, which is open to participants of both these programmes.

The purpose of the course is to provide training in the fundamental safety principles of radioactive waste management and in the safety related aspects to be evaluated and ensured at all stages of radioactive waste management - processing, storage, transport and disposal.

The course aims at countries from East Asia that generate and manage radioactive waste from the nuclear fuel cycle activities and the use of radioactive materials in the industry, medicine, agriculture, science, etc. and have of plan to establish in the future facilities for predisposal management and disposal of such waste.