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RCA News
RCARO Position Paper Drafted in May 03 Suggestions for New Programmes Reflected to be reviewed by Advisory Committee






The RCARO recently drafted a Position Paper that views current RCA management and also suggests some new programmes in a hope to consider when formulating future RCA projects. The Position Paper that was basically drafted by RCARO Technical Advisory Committee comprising of 8 Korean experts representing each Thematic Sector and reviewed by international experts to the RCARO was already circulated to the Advisory Committee members for their further review and comments. After review by the Advisory Committee, the RCARO will again circulate to the Member States, particularly to the Lead Country Coordinators for their comments.
The RCARO hopes to report the Position Paper to the IAEA/RCA Lead Country Coordinators' Meeting presently scheduled in Vienna in August. The Paper mainly covered past activities of the RCARO with particular attention to the financial aspects, the RCARO's view on the current RCA management, suggestions for new RCA projects as a part of participating in the upstream work for future programmes, and the RCARO's view on the RCA visions.
Please, kindly find attached draft Position Paper for your information.