RCA News

RCA News
RCA Regional Training Workshop on the Implementation of the International Code of Practice for Radiotherapy Dosimetry, IAEA TRS-39817-21 November 2003, Chiangmai Thailand | |||
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2005.03.15 |
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The IAEA developed a new international code of practice for the radiotherapy dosimetry (TRS 398) based on measurement of standards of absorbed dose to water. TRS-398 includes photon and electron beams as well as heavy charged particles. This yields a unified and consistent framework for all types of radiotherapy beams, which exist today. Practical implementation of the code of practice for the hospital users in Member States requires training of end-users.
The workshop will focus on the implementation of the new international code of practice for radiotherapy dosimetry, IAEA TRS-398, based on absorbed dose to water standards. It is expected that after finishing the workshop, trainees will be ready to implement the new code of practice in their clinical environment. The workshop will cover:
- Review of basics in radiation dosimetry
- The international measurement system and the dissemination of radiation quantities
- The role of SSDLs in the dissemination of measurement standards
- Review of Codes of Practice for dose determination
- Advantages of absorbed dose to water calibrations
- Implementation of IAEA TRS-398 for Co-60 photon beams
- Implementation of IAEA TRS-398 for high energy photon and electronic beams
- Implementation of IAEA TRS-398 for low and medium energy x-rays