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RCA News
RCA Project Final Coordination/Assessment Meeting on Use of Isotopes in Dam Safety and Dam Sustainability, 15-19 December 2003, Vienna Austria






IAEA/RCA Project Final Coordination/Assessment Meeting on Use of Isotopes in Dam Safety and Dam Sustainability will be held in Vienna Austria in 15-19 December 2003. This meeting will be held in place of the Project Assessment Meeting on Use of Isotopes in Dam Safety and Dam Sustainability that had been originally scheduled to take place in Bangi Malaysia 29 Sept, to 3 Oct. but which was cancelled. The new meeting will be a combined meeting to meet the objectives of the above Project Assessment Meeting and the Regional Co-ordination Workshop which was previously planned to be held in Mumbai, India in November 2003.
The main purpose of the meeting is to assess what has been achieved in the implementation of the application of isotope techniques. The following topics will be covered;

- Case studies on tracer application to dam leakages.
- Isotope studies in dam leakages in the region
- Principles of isotope applications to reservoir water balance estimates
- Further develop the information exchange system over the Internet on dam leakages and dam
safety among the Member States
- Identify and discuss the opportunities and problems in the programme
- Recommendations for future activities in the field of Dam Safety